Friday, December 1, 2017

Weeks of November 13th and 27th

We’re back to work after Thanksgiving! We started our new science unit. We are learning about weather! We learned about temperature, wind, and how we measure weather this week. Ask your student what an “anemometer” is! We are keeping track of our scientist observations and learnings in our science journals! We created our own wind--huffing and puffing to push objects across a table!

We practiced our sight words and our handwriting while getting up and moving around the room! We also practiced our short e sounds this way too! The kids are always focused and ready to learn during a write-the-room activity! Just look at those teacher letters (what we call neat handwriting)!

This student found a connection to math in our reading. The book said the glasses were in "rows" but he noticed that they were actually in columns!

Look at this reading stamina and focus!

Here's a belated peek at our week before Thanksgiving Break! We did a lot of fun Thanksgiving activities and read books about Thanksgiving. We did turkey math and made Thanksgiving bracelets. I hope you read your student’s Thanksgiving book! We had a four winds lessons about beavers, too! We tried to be beavers by chomping down carrot trees and eating pretzel bark! We all had a blast!

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